- [QRT] –
With 75K QSOs in the XT2MD log, having lost 3 full days off air due to electricity problems outwith their control, the team went QRT @ 0425z today.
- [NOVEMBER 8 @ 0200Z] –
Thankfully, in the early hours of the morning (local time) XT2MD returned to the airwaves.
- [NOVEMBER 7 @ 0800Z] –
Unfortunately, XT2MD is still off air due to an issue with their big generator. It’s unsure when the problem will be resolved currently, however they are waiting on a spare part. Fingers crossed they are active again soon.
- [NOVEMBER 6 @ 1630Z] –
The team have been off air for many hours due to a power cut at the hotel complex where they’re based. At this time still no word when they will again QRV, but it’s hoped soon.
- [NOVEMBER 5] – Team member Vlad OK2WX reports:
Today a presentation on amateur radio for university students. We are happy to spread the ham spirit in Africa and we believe that Burkina Faso will soon have its first radio amateurs.

Credit: OK2WX @ XT2MD
On the scene with XT2MD – presenting to local students what ham radio is all about.
– by MDXC crew pic.twitter.com/tKE088sw7R
— DX World.net (@DX_World) November 5, 2024
- [NOVEMBER 4] –
On the scene with Emil, DL8JJ – EME operator (and fast CW op!) at XT2MD. Photos credit DL8JJ. Meanwhile, team now surpassed 40K QSOs – check log here.
- [NOVEMBER 3 @ 1000z] –
On the scene with XT2MD – a new gallery & video by Mediterraneo DX Club (Facebook) + latest update:
Earlier today, the antennas have all been installed and are operational except for 160M, which in the next few hours will be operational unless complications arise. The receiving antennas are not working very well for some problem that the team is still trying to solve. Meanwhile, operations continue at full speed with 7 stations QRV simultaneously. Team are a few days from the beginning of operations and are at ~27 thousand QSOs.
- [NOVEMBER 3 @ 1945Z] –
With over 20K QSOs in the log, the XT2MD DXpedition is now in full flow. Here’s a video from earlier today of 10m CW op DL8JJ.
- [NOVEMBER 1 @ 1725Z] –
Team member Vlad OK2WX reports (credit to him for latest pictures) that all antennas and stations at XT2MD are now up and running, except 160m which will follow. Check the real-time logbook here. Nearly 7000 QSOs as at 1730z. Video of EME station by Emil DL8JJ.
On the scene with the XT2MD EME station
– by DL8JJ pic.twitter.com/7url4tJXvz
— DX World.net (@DX_World) November 2, 2024
- [QRV] –
Earlier than expected, XT2MD hit the airwaves on 40 (CW) & 80 (FT8) a few hours after the previous update. They have a lot of band noise at the QTH – will try to search the motive and resolve the problem with RX antenna in their morning. Recordings by DX-WORLD. Pictures by OK2WX.
- [OCTOBER 31 @ 1900Z]
All XT2MD baggage and equipment cleared customs. Ops now resting at hotel. Antenna building starts soon. Pictures taken by team member (also EME op) Emil, DL8JJ showing the surrounding area they are staying at + EME set-up:
- [OCTOBER 31 @ 1645Z]
Team have arrived in Burkina Faso and now going through a strict check of bags, equipment, serial numbers. Once clear of customs, antenna building starts on November 1 (local time). Pics by team member OK2WX.
- [OCTOBER 30 @ 1400Z]
Mealtime for most of the XT2MD team ahead of their travels to Burkina Faso from Italy.
DX-WORLD is delighted to be a main sponsor of plaques / trophies for the upcoming XT2MD DXpedition to individuals from each continent who make the most QSOs on each band and mode. Check here for more details.
- [OCTOBER 14] –
The start of operations is approaching. In order to make everyone happy we would like to remember some useful contacts:
- XT2MD’s Official spokesman/social media content M0OXO
- North America Pilot N1DG
- South America Pilot HK3W
- For log problems (busted calls, nil etc), the only person who has the complete log and is able to check and correct is IK2VUC – PLEASE THINK TWICE BEFORE WRITING TO GIULIANO: May be you are not in log because you didn’t got the QSO (and you have to try again) or, if you aren’t in log with a bunch of other operators who made the QSO after you, may be we are disconnected and you should wait till midnight (log back-up) to see your call.
- For any sked or information about E.M.E. write to DL8JJ
- For any sked or information about QO-100 write to GI4DOH
- Sked or other info/requests on low bands write to IZ8FFA
Feel free to contact those guys if you have questions, informations or requests: they will collect your messages and forward to us almost on real time, it will be much quicker and easier than directly contact the expedition crew.
Just to be clear: XT2MD won’t be on-air before Thursday 31 late afternoon-evening (Time zone: 0).
See you on our (real) pile-up
73 Ant I8KHC
XT2MD Team Leader
PLEASE also CW and/OR SSB on 50 mc. Not only FT 8. de SM6CVX
Ignored. They want to get money for LoTW. I am not ready to pay for LoTW challenges.
Really QRV CW on 40m & FT8 on 80m? 80m QSO in my log!
Livestream is needed!
Please call CQ on 50.223 using Q65-60A, Q65 Pileup, when the moon is below 20 degrees on the last four days of your DXpedition. The Degradation is low during those days, and your moonset is taking place in the middle of the night, which is an ideal time since there is not likely to be any ionospheric interference with the EME signals. MNI TNX for your kind consideration! GL and VY 73! Lance
73 de CX3CE
GD news , pse try CW on low bands TKS