• [QRV] – 

A short while after the previous update (below), Gerben started his activity as VP8G. First logs are already uploaded to Club Log – check here

  • [NOVEMBER 15 @ 1400Z] –

Gerben PG5M reports that both the DX Commander and Hexbeam have been assembled, but due to high winds they can be erected. He says he will have to wait until this afternoon (local) when the wind is forecast to calm down. Gerben also mentions very bad internet reception at his QTH so not so many updates.

  • [OCTOBER 13]

Following on from the VP6G Pitcairn DXpedition, Gerben PG5M will conduct a similar DXpedition from the Falklands with the call VP8G.

VP8 is not ranking high on the most wanted list for SSB and digital modes, but for CW it ranks #30 globally and #27 for Europe. The operation will take place from November 15-25, 2024. He will use the same setup as for VP6G which will allow him to operate two stations simultaneously. Activity on 40-6 meters and using a Hexbeam (20-6m) and DX Commander (40-10m). Modes are primarily CW and FT8 (using MSHV).

More information + QSL details here